Feeling Violet

It wasn't until a few days ago that I realised that 2k14 is almost over, and as cliché as it sounds, time really flies by...with College finals, Christmas and New Years coming up, the excitement is just too much. As I write this, I'm getting that melancholic yet comforting feeling of December, which totally reminds me of the classic "Blue" by Bill Mack. However, I found time this week to shoot a little something. 

The blouse I'm wearing is by 
DearOne (lovely local shop). A blouse that goes by the name of Pure White Print - how pretty the name is though - in shades of violet, hence the name of my look. I'm trying to find the coolest words to describe the awesomeness of this blouse...the feel to it, the print, the lightness of it, the colors...it's safe to say that it was kind of love at first sight.
I paired this with some black high waisted jeans, my favourite black ankle boots and some lovely quasi-rounded shades.

Blouse - Dear One
Jeans - Bershka
Boots - Zara
Shades - Aldo

Kimonos: DO'S & DONT'S

Desde que Emilio Pucci introdujo a los “kimonos” (versión cardigan) en su colección S/S 2013, la misma que fue inspirada en la cultura oriental; esta prenda se volvió una tendencia no solo para ocasiones especiales sino para un día fresco donde todo lo que necesitas es algo ligero y a la vez chic. Si hablamos de maneras de usar kimonos…existen varias como: el intento de Italian-Vogue-Chic-Girl hasta la Coachella (tumblr-style) girl; pero para alcanzar cualquiera de estas dos formas, o todo lo que conlleva cada una, hay que seguir una serie de do’s and dont’s.


 Los kimonos dan especial apertura para los entusiastas del boho chic, uno de mis all-time favorites. El look de la bloggera Nora Aradi es perfecto para describir un outfit worthy de un festival de música, el fedora es un accesorio que, en mi opinión, es casi un must para usar con los kimonos.

Muchas le temen a tanta soltura en una prenda, como si les fuese a añadir una talla de más…bueno, un cinturón sin muchas extravagancias ¿por qué no? Es ahí cuando se agrega más accesorios como un bolso de cuero haciendo de este outfit uno quasi-italian vogue.


Cuando pienso en kimonos pienso en simplicity, y es que la misma noción del “overthinking” se aplica el rato de escoger un outfit con qué usar un kimono. Si el print de esta prenda es floral, por ejemplo, no es de lo más recomendable usar una blusa con otro print o encaje muy excesivo. Less (really) is more. Marta M, en su look Colourful Kimono nos demuestra cómo un kimono puede transformar un outfit.

El objetivo de un kimono es moldear un outfit. Es decir que lo que se use por debajo, ya sea una blusa+shorts o un vestido, NO tiene que ser ocultado.   En la nueva colección de Dear One, Bright Lights Big Eyes, encontramos un kimono (kimo-yes) que podría hacer juego con un sinnúmero de prendas, desde shorts o pantalones hasta vestidos. (Al lado: un look en el cual, el Kimono Rose,

tranquilamente podría ser protagonista)


Ever since Emilio Pucci introduced the "kimono" (cardigan version) in the collection S/S 2013, which was inspired by the Asian culture; this garment has been a trend not only for special occasions but also for a random day where everything you need to wear is something light yet chic. If we talk about ways to wear a kimono... there are several ways: the attempt of an Italian-Vogue-Chic-Girl to Coachella (tumblr-style) girl; but to achieve any of these forms, or anything that involves each, we have to follow a series of do's and dont's.


  • Kimonos are somwhat a must for the boho chic enthusiasts, one of my all-time favorites. The look of the blogger Nora Aradi is perfect to describe an outfit worthy of a music festival, the fedora is an accessory that, in my opinion, is almost a must to pair with kimonos. 
  • Many are afraid of such ease in this garment, as if it were to add a size more ... well, a belt without much extravagance why not? Making it the perfect occassion to wear more accessories like a leather handbag, appearing a quasi-italian vogue persona. 


  • When I think about kimonos, the whole concept of simplicity comes to my mind; the same notion of "overthinking" washes me (most of the times) when it comes to picking an outfit to pair with a kimono. If the print on this garment is floral, for example, is not the most advisable to use another print blouse with lace or a too excessive pattern. Less (really) is more. Marta M, the blogger, shows us how a colourful kimono can transform an outfit. She nailed it!
  • The aim of the kimono is to mold an outfit. That is why the piece of clothing underneath the kimono is important! They do not have to be hidden. In the new collection of Dear One, Bright Lights Big Eyes, there's a kimono (Kimono-yes) that could match countless garments, from pants to shorts or dresses. (Next: a look (above)at which, Kimono Rosecould be, without any doubt, the protagonist)

October Playlist

That sudden feeling of guilt for not posting regularly has been coming to me these past days/weeks...This lovely Monday (tryina be positive here) I come with the songs that Ive been loving this past month and what's of October.

Disclaimer: the rainy days in Quito are always a personal reminder that it's time to go back to Ben Howard and some indie folk musique. Enjoy.


Últimamente me ha llegado esa culpa que uno siente cuando dice que va a postear más seguido y... no lo hace. Bueno, este bello Lunes (siendo positiva) traigo una playlist con las canciones que he estado obsesionada desde Septiembre - mi mes favorito btw -.

Disclaimer: los días lluviosos en Quito siempre me recuerdan que es tiempo de volver a Ben Howard y demás artistas indie folk que llegan como abrazo al corazón. Disfruten.

Generation Y

Still can't get over the Emmy's last night (round of applause for Queen Jessica Lange and the whole AHS and OITNB cast), basically that's the reason why I took one of  Madison Montgomery's quote from Coven: "I am a millennial. Generation Y. Born between the birth of AIDS and 9/11, give or take. They call us the Global Generation". One moment of silence. I created this outfit by putting this lovely top from DearOne, some high waisted pants from Bershka and black creepers. I'm in some deep love with this top since it has this lovely ethnical print but at the same time is very lightweight making it perfect for summer (even though its ending already).

Todavía no supero la noche de los Emmy Awards (ronda de aplausos para la reina Jessica Lange y el resto del cast de American Horror Story y OITNB), bàsicamente elegí titular a este look así por una frase de Madison Montgomery en Coven: "I am a millennial. Generation Y. Born between the birth of AIDS and 9/11, give or take. They call us the Global Generation". Un minuto de silencio.
Decidí ponerme un crop top de DearOne (se llama Tiempo de Bolero, heart eyes emoji), jeans de talle alto y creepers. Lo mejor de este crop top, aparte de su hermoso ethnical print, es que es super liviana, haciendo de este outfit perfecto para el verano (al menos en Quito). Disfruten.

How To: Crop Tops (Dear One)

Los crop tops han recorrido una larga trayectoria desde la época Spice Girls (90′s), ahora, ya no ese emblemático estilo colegial, más bien uno sofisticado y cómodo. Siendo una tendencia temida por muchos, Balenciaga al igual que Michael Kors se aferran a este estilo vanguardista dejando al descubierto tan solo una pequeña porción de la sección media.
Utilizando pantalones/shorts/faldas de talle alto se lograría esa combinación perfecta a lo 90′s, sin embargo, para añadir un toque más moderno, una maxi skirt no sería mala idea.

Hay crop tops para todas (algo que Cher de Clueless diría), unos que esconden un poco más pero aún así añaden ese ladylike appeal. En DearOne hay crop tops para escoger. 

Outfit #1: Tiempo de Bolero Rosa (Dear One) + midi skirt de cuero + sandalias blancas.

Outfit #2: GroovinBeige (Dear One) +  Golden Rhythms (Dear One) + sandalias blancas.

Outfit #3: Tiempo De Bolero Ethnic Print (Dear One) + pantalones de talle alto + sandalias negras + bolso.

East Of Eden

 Dress - DearOne
Creepers - My 1st wish
Clutch - Vintage
Hat - Ecuador

Today's lovely dress by DearOne is mint, nearly matching my pastel nail polish, sort of pale, black velvet creepers matching my soul (jk), paired with white socks just above the ankle, woolen hat, a pair of sunnies and of course...afterlight's :Nico and Russ.

It seems to me, that today Ive decided to be my own pastel slash pale slash soft grunge 'princess'. Plus, besides Sia's new album (clearly summer musique)..I bring this other tune by Zella Day --> East of Eden (enjoy).

El vestido Acoustic Lady de Dear One en menta, mas o menos, se asemeja a el color pastel de mis uñas, creepers de gamusa negra para combinar con el color de mi alma (jk), medias blancas (de preferencia con encaje en el elástico), sombrero negro (obviamente), par de gafas y como no puede faltar...Nico y Russ de afterlight! Tengo la idea de que para este look he decidido ser mi propia "princesa" pastel/pale/softgrunge.

Just A Hideaway

Top - Vintage (from my mom)
Jeans - Bershka
Shoes - H&M
Sweater - (second handed)
Bag - vintage
Sunnies - ALDO

Hola! Aquí volviendo a esto de postear looks (o más bien despegándome de mis "lazy days").
Últimamente un aire repentino de motivación me ha llegado, justamente por todo lo que alejarse del colegio y/o graduarse del mismo significa: fresh new air. 
Es por eso que he decidido empezar ésta serie de looks de "verano", la cual irá de la mano con mi summer playlist '14, con este look al que he llamado Just A Hideaway (obviamente extraído de la cancion de Kiesza).  

Hello! So, here I am with another comeback (yet again!), trying to stay away from the lazy-days. A sudden breeze of motivation has come to me because of the fact that school is over, for good...graduation is coming, therefore I can finally have some fresh new air. That's why Ive decided to start these series of summer looks, which will go hand-in-hand with my summer playlist, with this look that I like to call Just A Hideaway (from the song by Kiesza). 

For The Thrill Of It

Como si el plan fuese ir a un festival de música alternativa: blusa floral print (Dear One) + shorts (Dear One) + botas negras al tobillo + sombrero + gafas redondas. Éste verano va de la mano con The New Classic de Iggy Azalea porque, porqué no? 

Definitivamente no se guarda con reserva el hecho de que los tonos fuertes así como “atrevidos”, prints, y uno que otro sombrero Tumblr-like, son las  opciones (y decisiones) predominantes del armario en verano. Esta época del año es más que tan solo bañarse en SPF’s altos. Esta época va de la mano con la renovación; intentar lograr ese look tan boho y Coachella que las páginas de Pinterest exponen, intentar hacer algo nuevo y cambiar ese no sé qué que provoca distorsiones emocionales e incertidumbre al momento de escoger el outfit perfecto.

Y es que hoy en día nos limitamos a seguir las fashion rules, que quizá alguna vez leímos en alguna revista, y no nos proyectamos a lo que realmente nuestro estilo pide. Muchos somos aún conservadores, llevamos por lema “denim on denim never works”, pero tiene un cierto toque el mezclar prints coloridos…con más prints coloridos. Dear One ofrece una diversa colección de estilos y texturas diferentes, que indudablemente, en conjunto se ven increíble y proliferan esa esencia “bold yet chic” a cualquier armario.

It's definitely not a secret that bold shades, prints, and some tumblr-like hats, are the predominant options (or decisions) of a wardrobe in summer. This time of the year is so much more than the constant bath of hi-SPFs. This time of the year goes hand-in-hand with renewal; try to achieve the SO desired boho Coachella look that Pinterest shows everytime, try to do something new and avoid that emotional wreck that uncertainty causes when choosing an outfit. 

The thing is that nowadays, we limit ourselves to following certain fashion rules that have someday been portrayed by beauty mags, instead of actually projecting the real "us" and what our style demands. Some of us are still conservative and our mantra is "denim on denim never works"...but there's a certain touch that mixing colourful prints with, more colourful prints had. Dear one offers a diverse collection of textures and styles, that are indeed incredible and spread the escence of "bold yet chic" to any wardrobe.

Dazed & Confused

Happy Sunday! I've been spending a ridiculous amount of time studying for college admissions but have also been planning a few upgrades around here. Should be exciting.
Finally got the chance to shoot something since my affection for high waisted bottoms, particularly skinny jeans, has become somewhere an obsession for the last couple of weeks. Combined with a stripped top (whose trend has been around for a bit)that gives that me this feeling of a girl that has her life sorted. I could convince myself to wear more colours and exciting springsummer-like patterns but somehow this has not hit me yet. And it will, when it's thirty degree celcius outside. 
Also, thought that throwing a lovely clutch (formerly from my mom haha) would be just on point.

Feliz Domingo! Ultimamente me la he pasado estudiando para los exámenes de ingreso a la universidad pero también planificando algún upgrade para el blog :) Al fin tuve la oportunidad de tomar fotos, y aproveché para demostrar mi afección por los high waisted jeans, mi "ultimate" obsesión en este par de semanas. Los combiné con una blusa a rayas( un trend que ya ha estado por algún rato) la cual me hace sentir como la típica chica que tiene su vida hecha y planeada. La verdad es que podría convencerme a mi misma de usar colores más vivos así tipo verano y primavera...pero hasta que la temperatura no esté de al menos 30 grados Celcius no me golpeará este trend. También decidí optar por un bolso pequeño, el cual era de mi mamá.


Instagram Roundup

Seems like the hype for #Selfie by the Chainsmokers is on point these days, not a big fan though. But, I'm a proud instagrammer. 
I apologise for another week of no-outfit post. These months have been all about busy things, busy schedules, and tough decisions about the future, hopefully April's going to be a breeze of fresh air and will result in multiple lookbook worth posts. 

How Soon Is Now

Back to basics black.

Temperatures aren't particularly warm these days in Quito, su unfortunately an umbrella and a warm scarf are essential. Admittedly, I wanted to show the lovely world map wall poster I got on a shoot, so here it goes. Also, I can't seem to find the excuse to NOT wear my hat, which I've been using practically everytime I go out (not school obviously).  Moreover, I wanted to put a whole black outfit together but my heart belongs to those army green skinny trousers from Pull & Bear, so the "all black everything" thing isn´t going on in this look. Finally I managed to wear this vintage black chiffon blazer that was formerly from my mom, haha, with a floral print sweatshirt beneath that balanced the whole look. On a side note: The Smiths is pretty much everything I've been listening to lately, (hence the title). 

La temperatura no está tan cálida especialmente en estos días en Quito, así que por desgracia un paraguas y una bufanda caliente son esenciales. Es cierto, yo quería mostrar el póster del mapamundi que mandé a hacer para mi pared, así que aquí va. Además, me parece que no puede encontrar la excusa para no usar mi sombrero, que he estado usando prácticamente cada vez que salgo (no la escuela, evidentemente). Por otra parte, yo quería ponerme todo un outfit negro , pero mi corazón pertenece a los army green skinny jeans de Pull & Bear, así que la cosa "all black everything" no estará por ahora. Finalmente logré llevar esta chaqueta vintage de gasa negro que fue anteriormente de mi mamá, jaja, con una sudadera con estampado floral debajo, la cual da el balance perfecto a éste look. En una nota lateral: The Smiths es todo lo que he estado escuchando últimamente, (He ahí el título).

Casual Wish-listing

Is adding clothes to my wishlist a talent yet?  Been looking for inspo these past weeks, so decided to go to one of the most popular but affordable shop among fashion bloggers... sheinside.com 

Some of the things I've been putting my eye on (and constantly clicking on) are these gorgeous sweaters. Being a full time student leads me to having just the right amount of money to spend on clothes and the sales on this site makes it so easy for my wallet. I pretty much put my hands on everything burgundy (hence the title of the blog, duh), besides, the Dios sweatshirt is lovely for spring, the blue sweater's perfect for winter.. and I know we're just about to hang in & out with summer but hey, $19,82 is a total bargain.

Plus, my spring/summer essentials are on point at this site. Floral print, stripped long-sleeves, lovely pastel oversized coat and last but definitely not least.. burgundy velvet dress because, why NOT?

Then of course, the lovely jackets I casually found on my endless wishlist at SheInside. Some people have been asking me where to get a nice parka, at an affordable price, because let's be real, they're all above 70 bucks and such... and here's the better option mates, retailing at $45.80. A massive need for a human being is to own a fur coat, and this is the perfect one.

If you want to check these products out, just click on each of them. Besides all of these amazing designs, they have accesories, jewelry.. etc. Hint: the scarves are on point. xx